[[[Le Babypop, December 2015]]] Outfit: 40 weeks baby bump!
Wow - a maternity outfit post! : D And now in the 40th week! : D If I had not even thought of ...
But here he is now! I would like you namely this wonderful, WONDERFUL Jumpsuit by Clary and Peg show. I have from London found the small company on Instagram and immediately fell in love !! ♥
Clary and Peg, named after the mother of Edwina and and the grandmother of Johanna, the creative minds behind the brand, have a small but absolutely adorable selection of vintage-inspired dresses and jumpsuits, which you also can super good wear during pregnancy , Initially, the creations were meant exclusively for pregnant women, gradually it evolved but then so that she designed the clothes for pregnant and non-pregnant women.
I signed up for this Jumpsuit chosen because it also very suitable for breastfeeding is definitely with the button placket front. It is made of dark blue Samtcord and sooooo comfortable. ♥ It is also available in denim, but I found him even more beautiful in this version for the winter and the upcoming holiday season!
Other favorites are this shirt dress and this beautiful dress in red. But now you look first at the jumpsuit and my huge belly. :)
Combined Iam Jumpsuit here with sparkling vintage ballerinas and a white blouse with Bubi-collar soil. For a more casual version, I would combine it with a Marinière or a gray turtleneck shirt and my Super Gas.
How do you like the look? What do you think when Mini comes?