[[[Style me Sunday, May 2014]]] New Vintage-inspired maternity wear from In Pig

As my bump and sadly my bum get ever bigger, I’m on an eternal quest to find maternity clothes that flatter my growing size and make me feel like me. So I was delighted to find a brand offering something a bit different from the norm – vintage-inspired maternity wear company In Pig.In Pig is run by two friends Edwina and Johanna who met through their antenatal class back in 2010.  Whilst pregnant, they too became frustrated by the mass of unflattering maternity wear on the market, and so inspired by their love of vintage, set about launching the new brand.The debut collection consists of four pieces in eclectic styles: 60s and 70s short dresses, 70s maxi dress and classic 80s dungarees, in rich colours and vintage-style fabrics and detailing.  I have to admit that vintage is not my usual style – I am far too lazy to pull it off well.  But there are some pieces from the collection I genuinely love the look of, and for those who are pregnant and are vintage fiends, In Pig will be a dream come true!